Rehamed Center

Park of Active Rehabilitation and Sport | PARiS
Sanatorium Spa Baltic
  • Hydrotherapy & Balneotherapy

    Hydrotherapy & Balneotherapy

  • Wellness


  • Physiotherapy


  • Cardiac Stress Tests

    Cardiac Stress Tests

Tajęcina, Poland

Selecting equipment for a medical centre is of crucial importance, especially in case of such a large project as our, so using professional guidance in this matter cannot be overestimated. The help we received from Meden-Inmed employees far surpassed our expectations.

Radosław Walas
Commercial Proxy of Rehamed-Center Sp. z o.o.

Meden-Inmed provided our Rehamed Centre with the best medical equipment currently available on the market, thus we can offer our patients the highest standard of professional care.

dr Wojciech Rusek
Manager of Rehamed-Center Sp. z o.o.
physiotherapist, motion rehabilitation specialist

The project

Providing complete medical and rehabilitation equipment for the first private rehabilitation centre Centrum Rehabilitacyjne Rehamed-Center in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The managing board of the facility required state-of-the-art equipment with the aim of offering the highest standard of rehabilitation service.

As part of the project Meden-Inmed supplied equipment for:

  • electrotherapy,
  • hydrotherapy,
  • thermotherapy,
  • gait reeducation and locomotion therapy,
  • cryotherapy,
  • kinesitherapy,
  • functional rehabilitation,
  • massage and light therapy,
  • strength exercises and fitness training rooms.

The scope of work:

  • selecting medical equipment,
  • selecting rehabilitation equipment,
  • counseling on location of the equipment at the stage of the building design,
  • supervising proper installation of cross-connections at the stage of constructing the building,
  • installation of the equipment,
  • training of the staff.

Other realizations

Warszawa, Poland

Brave Bear Institute

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Ternopil, Ukraine

Eleveo and Axelero in Ukraine

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Updated: 21-12-2023, 13:34