Rehabilitation Trade Fair
Competition Committee "REHABILITATION", ŁÓDŹ

European Medal
Committee for European Integration and Business Centre Club in Warsaw

Pomeranian Product of the Year
Middle-Pomeranian Council of the Chief Technical Organisation (The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations) in Koszalin

West Pomeranian Product of the Year
Awards and Distinctions Section of the Central Pomeranian Council of the Chief Technical Organisation

Koszalin Product of the Year
Middle-Pomeranian Council of the Chief Technical Organisation (The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations) in Koszalin and the President of Koszalin

Koszalin Denar
Koszalin Chamber of Industry and Commerce

SIMP Award
Polish Society of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP)

Best Distributor Award

Best Distributor of the Year
Best Distributor healthcare of the Year

Diamond for the Golden Statuette of the Polish Business Leader
Business Centre Club

Forbes Diamonds
Forbes Monthly
Ambassador of the Polish Economy
Business Centre Club in Warsaw under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Well-Seen Company
Business Centre Club

Award for Sales Excellence
Hocoma AG

REHMED-EXPO Trade Fair for Rehabilitation, Sanatoriums and Health Resorts
Chairman of the Competition Committee and President of the Board of Kielce Trade Fair

Partnership Award
Leader Healthcare

Business Gazelle
Business Pulse