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See you at the MEDICA 2023 in Dusseldorf

Our hydrotherapy devices in Georgia
MEDICA Trade Fair in Düsseldorf

Nachdem die weltführende Medizinmesse MEDICA im Jahr 2020 pandemiebedingt erstmalig komplett virtuell durchgeführt wurde, ist sie seit 2021 wieder ins Präsenzformat zurückgekehrt und findet wieder in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen statt – ergänzt um viele digitale Services. Das internationale Healthcare-Fachpublikum kann sich über Innovationen für alle Bereiche der ambulanten und stationären Versorgung informieren. Im Pandemie-Kontext besonders im Fokus stehen Aussteller-Neuheiten der Labortechnik und Diagnostika, medizintechnisches Equipment u. a. für die Intensivmedizin, Roboteranwendungen und viele Soft- und Hardware-Applikationen zur Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens. Informationen online: https://www.medica.de. After the world's leading medical trade fair MEDICA was held completely virtually for the first time in 2020 due to the pandemic, it has returned to the presence format since 2021 and will once again take place in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls - supplemented by many digital services. The international healthcare audience can find out about innovations for all areas of outpatient and inpatient care. In the context of the pandemic, the focus will be on exhibitor innovations in laboratory technology and diagnostics, medical technology equipment for intensive care medicine, robot applications and many software and hardware applications for the digitalisation of healthcare. Information online: http://www.medica-tradefair.com.

MEDICA is just around the corner and we would like to invite you to visit us there. You can find us during four days, from 13.11 until 16.11.2023, at booth 4D40. Therefore, we kindly advise on an appropriate meeting slot on the 13th, 14th, 15th or 16th of November 2023. 

During this event we would like to take this opportunity and show you some of our products. Especially we want to focus your attention on:

  • Axelero Gait & Balance Device for training gait pattern disturbances and balance
  • Dynamic partial weight bearing gait therapy device ELEVEO
  • Device for training and supporting therapy of the pelvic floor muscles PelvicTutor
  • Mobile Patient Lifts: VertiUp, Levitop Comfort, VertiHelp
  • Hydromassage membrane unit AQUAI
  • THERASPACE Massage tables: Z7.F4 and X8.F4
  • Chiropractic table CHIROSPACE

For more information click here

We also have a special offer for Medica Trade Fair. If you will place an order for any table from THERASPACE Line you will receive 20% discount. This special offer is limited and lasts from 17.11.2023 till 31.12.2023. Take advantage of this SALE.




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Updated: 01-12-2023, 13:26