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Product training, Gdańsk 23-24.05.2018r.

Best Distributor of the year 2017 awards have been granted
The European Neuro Convention, at ExCeL London (UK)

From the 23rd till 24th of May, we had organized a product training in Gdańsk. A beautiful city with a thousand-year history, with location at the crossroads of an important commercial and communication routes, all this makes Gdańsk a wonderful place where different cultures, nationalities and denominations meet. Those days we had a great pleasure to host a group of our distributors and guests from Bulgaria, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Ukraine and Danmark in a very nicely located Dwór Oliwski ***** Hotel.

During the two days of training held in a beautifully scenery, all participants had a chance not only to see the product presentations but also to actively participate in practical exercises. Our guests had the opportunity to test our best-selling devices: Eleveo, Axelero, PIO, Aquamotion, Avior, Draco, Pictor, Neuroforma,  Pelvictrainer, treatment tables and hydrotherapy equipment. After the training there was also a time for the sightseeing –  a long walk through the beautiful Old Town of Gdańsk.

The whole meeting was a great experience for us and in the future we are going to continue this idea.

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Updated: 13-11-2023, 15:17