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Physiotherapy Congress Sjukgymnastdagarna 2013

Buldmedica 2013
Libyan Healthcare Exhibition 2013

From 02nd to 04th October 2013, at Svenska Mässan in Göteborg (Sweden), took place Physiotherapy Congress Sjukgymnastdagarna 2013. Sjukgymnastdagarna 2013 is a national, biannual congress for Physiotherapists with a scientific and professional focus. The congress is also accompanied by an exhibition of equipment for physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Sjukgymnastdagarna is by tradition well attended with approximately 1500 visiting physiotherapists.

This year on the exhibition were also presented our Polish products of MEDEN-INMED company: massage tables and walk simulator PIO.

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Updated: 13-11-2023, 15:22