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Neuroforma presentation at conference organized by the Lithuanian Geriatrics Association, Vilnius, Lituania

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Neuroforma presentation at 18th Lithuanian Summer School of Neurologists, Vilnius, Lituania

The conference took place on August 21, 2020 at the Panorama Hotel in Vilnius. Our device Neuroforma was presented by Dr. Gintarė Vaitkienė. The conference was attended by about 200 participants online and 28 listeners on-site of the event (in compliance with safety rules). The presented topic of rehabilitation was “Cognitive and motor functions with the use of Neuroforma” and met with great interest of participants – geriatricians, neurologists, physiotherapists and medical caregivers.

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Conference 21.08.2020

Conference 21.08.2020

Conference 21.08.2020

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Updated: 13-11-2023, 15:13