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Messe Integra 2014

Expomed Eurasia 2014 report from Meden-Inmed
Salons Sante Autonomie 2014

Meden presented its products at the Integra Fair which took place May 7-9, 2014 in the Congress Centre in Wels, Austria.

The Integra Fair once again responded to the changing needs of nursing care, as the ongoing demographic development constantly shifts the demand in that field. It provided new ideas and solutions to nursing care institutions, rehab centres and ambulatory care services. 

The Integra fair provided new impulse for a better quality of life for those who are affected, for their relatives and for professionals who work in social and health care. 

On an area of 14.000 m2, more than 220 exhibitors offered a wide array of products ranging from innovative technical products for rehab to a variety of aids to facilitate day-to-day care. This year, once again, the products of MEDEN-INMED were presented there.

Below is photo gallery of the exhibition.

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Updated: 13-11-2023, 15:21