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After Medica 2015

Medica 2015 – 16th-19th of November 2015, Duesseldorf, Germany
On 24.12.2015 r. the Meden – Inmed company will be closed

We are all back at work after Medica 2015 Fair, but we still have the greatest moments of this event in our memory. We would like to thank you for your presence, it was an honour and a real pleasure to meet new friends and those who we meet every year! 

During this year’s edition over 130 000 visitors came to visit 5000 exhibitors located across 19 halls at  the Düsseldorf Messe. We would like to share with you some photos from Medica 2015 taken by one of our friends, please enjoy! 🙂

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Updated: 22-12-2023, 11:12