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Meden-Inmed products presentation during LKTD conference in Kaunas, Lithuania

Pelvictrainer presentation in Birštonas, Lithuania
REHACARE Exhibition 2019 – thank you for visiting MEDEN-INMED booth

On 6th of September in Kaunas, Lithuania, our team (represented by the Training Consultant, Maciej Pawłowski and the Service Specialist, Maciej Petrykowski) participated in a conference of Lithuanian Physiotherapy Association. This Conference was organized to commemorate World Day of Physical Therapy. This conference gathered about 40 participants. We came there at the invitation of our distributor UAB Dianeta and the president of LKTD association dr. Ines Rimdeikienė and presented few of our products:

  • Neuroforma (innovative platform for motor, cognitive and balance control Exercises),
  • Pelvictrainer (device for rehabilitation of pelvic floor muscles with biofeedback, without intimate contact),
  • MOOVIE (rehabilitative puzzle blocks for children),
  • Patient lift Lifteo.

At the end of our presentation Dovile Kesiauskaite, a physiotherapy student from Kaunas, presented her research.

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Updated: 22-12-2023, 08:27