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The latest methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of strokes | Vilnius – Lithuania

Medica Dusseldorf 15-18 November
Medica – Leading International Trade Fair | Dusselfdorf, Germany 15-18.11.2021
Product training for our distributors
The latest methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of strokes | Vilnius - Lithuania

Neuroforma, Pictor, Draco presentation at seminar in Vilnius, Lithuania

At the beginning of December (1.12.2021) in Vilnius (Lithuania), took place the seminar „The latest methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of strokes”. It was organized in the Comfort Hotel, the target group of participants were physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors, general physicians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, sports medicine doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, masseurs and nurses

Lecturers: Dr. neurologist Aleksandra Ekkert Gavrilova, Dr. (rehabilitation) Gintarė Vaitkienė, physiotherapist Maciej Pawłowski and Tomas Juraitis, occupational therapist, masseur.

It was very successful event. At seminar participated over 145 attendees on-line and 20 listeners on-site of the event from all over the country. During this seminar Maciej Pawłowski had the presentation „Application of motor and cognitive rehabilitation in the Virtual Reality environment for patients after stroke. Recovery of cognitive /motor functions, balance control and rehabilitation after COVID-19”. It was focused on some devices from our offer: Neuroforma (an innovative platform for motor, cognitive and balance control exercises), Draco (device for exercises of the ancle), Pictor (device for the hand functions training).

The seminarium was repeated on 10.12.2021. There was around 70 participants. Other part of 75 persons received a link to view the seminar material at a time convenient to them. The link is active until January 5th

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Updated: 21-12-2023, 15:07